Thursday, April 21, 2011

Deadlines and Summer Class Opportunities.

All students should be completed with work up to week 12, Friday the 29th in all classes with Mr. Ellsberg as a teacher. As per beginning of the semester:
Deadlines will be implemented in all of my classes after every 6 week interval. So all work has to be completed up to that date to get credit. Students who have not completed work will receive a "0" for those assignments. If there is a conflicting issue please get in contact with me ASAP.
This does not mean that your final grade for this assignment is a 0, in fact you can still submit that assignment, quiz or test.  The rub is that you have to contact me after you completed ALL post-deadline assignments to remove the 0 for those assignments.  Until that time the grade will stay as is in your grade book.
Summer School
Students who are eligible for High School Credit Recovery Classes can take them through the Web Academy.  You can access that Application Form Here. Remember All courses will cost 100$ per course (which you have to pay within a week of sign up, no exceptions), and you have to supply your own computer and internet access.  The seating is limited to 47 students for the entire program so sign up early!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Energy: Something to Ponder

Energy, whether it be fossil fuels, solar, nuclear, wind, wave or hydro-electric is a necessity for our current lifestyle needs and required for any type of large scale production.  Here is an enlightening chart made by the Lawernce Livermore Natural Labratory that shows US energy efficiency, or how much energy we use compared to how much energy we waste.  In 2009 the energy produced in the US was used 46% of the time, while 54% was rejected (or was not used).  This may seem a bit confusing as we continue to look for new ways to produce energy at the cost of Mountain tops, River Systems, and Entire Regions, just to name a few of the bigger issues.  Large scale projects have a greater chance to be inefficient than those that are on a smaller scale.  Like getting solar panels or a wind turbine for your house or one town would be more efficient than one dam for Oregon.  Just as a local government is more likely to find the best ways to use funds to support their own community than the Federal Government could.  Comment below with your thoughts!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Human Trafficking Essay

Here is a report written by our very own Seventh Grader: Chiavan Christiensen, who gave it as a speech for the contest Miss Three Rivers.  Awesome job Chiavan!

Every Girl's a Princess!
Preventing Human trafficking one girl at a time

Monday, April 4, 2011

What should you know about Inequality?

Well for one the US has the second highest child poverty rate in the world! Only coming in second to Mexico.  That by the way, is not a good thing.  Check out this infographic about inequality in the US completed with information from The Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality at Stanford University.

Mentor Meetings!

Attention Mentor Students!  You need to set up a time to meet with me here at the office or off campus ASAP.  If we did not meet last month it is essential that you get in communication with me as deadlines are fast approaching and Work Samples are in need of completion.
I'm looking forward to our meeting. I am available for meetings after 9-4 Monday through Thursday. I can make off campus visits Wednesday 9am-4pm, though those fill up quickly. Please email me back ASAP so that I can put you on the calendar!
Also the month of April will be used for testing, so if you are coming by the office make sure to bring a laptop to work on.  Otherwise you should check before hand to see if there will be computers available for you to use.
Thank you,
-Mr. Ellsberg

Middle School Math Test Prep

If you are a middle school student and you missed last Thursday's test prep you can come drop by this week to take a pre-test.  You can drop by any time at the Web Academy, just check with me before hand to see if I have that time available to work with you.
If you cannot make it in before the test you can upload the practice tests HERE. Remember you can use a calculator and a sheet of formulas, but you have to ask for it before the test starts.
Thank you,
Mr. Ellsberg