Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unit 3 Project

There will be no Unit 3 project for your class. Your Unit 4 project will be your CIM submission. Use this time to catch up in your course and let me know in the box how many assignments you have that are overdue for your class with me. -Mr. Ellsberg

Thursday, October 6, 2011

History of Governments Unit 2

Your Unit 2 government assignment is to look over "The American Jobs Act" and listen to the speech that has been proposed by President Barack Obama.  Look at the 5 different parts that are in the plan:
  1. Tax Cuts
  2. Rebuilding America
  3. Pathways to Work
  4. Tax Relief
  5. Full Paid For
The first part of your assignment is to summarize each of these Overviews.
The second part is to state your opinion about 1 thing you think could work, then 1 thing you think should be changed or removed.
Good Luck!

Human Geography Unit 2

For your second Unit you will be watching a video then answering a few questions. How does your environment affect the way that you think about life? Do you think that your life is more or less difficult than those around you? Is it easier than say someone living where our Author lived, what about her servant?

Development of Constitutional Government Unit 2

The Right to Privacy as stated below in the US constitution is a pillar of freedom that holds up our rights as Americans. When the founding fathers developed the Constitution there was no Facebook, Gmail, or Twitter. Your assignment is to pick and read a few of the links below, then answer the 3 questions at the bottom:
The Right to Privacy and the U. S. Constitution:
"The real danger is the gradual erosion of individual liberties through automation, integration, and interconnection of many small, separate record-keeping systems, each of which alone may seem innocuous, even benevolent, and wholly justifiable." U. S. Privacy Study Commission

Many Americans feel very strongly about their right to privacy. The Digital Age is having profound effects on the issue of personal privacy. As people embrace the convenience of credit cards and ATM cards they also provide to these companies intimate information about their purchases and personal choices. On the other hand, some argue safety is enhanced as tiny electronic chips and webcams make it possible for them to surreptitiously check on loved ones.
Do you approve of this invasion of privacy or do you object?
Set the limit. Where do you draw the line in this privacy issue? Explain
What consequences do you support for those who cross the line? 

Unit 2: Early River Valley Civilizations

You cannot complete this assignment until you have turned in your parent permission form which you can download and print here (if you have not already). Your assignment for the second will be to watch until the 30 minute mark. Remember when I asked you why European civilizations came to be a world power? Keep that in mind when your watching this video. What is the question that drives Dr. Jared Diamond on his quest for answers? Make sure to put your answer in the space provided.

Economics Roles Unit 2

Your second Unit project for Economics will be to read this article from Bloomberg, and look at this info-graphic. Do you think that companies should be able to have a "tax holiday" and drop the corporate tax rate from 30-5% or do you think these companies should be forced to pay what the law requires? Let me know what you think:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unit Projects: Vietnam and Civil War Electives

There are no Unit Projects for both Civil War and Vietnam electives. What you can do if you are interested in the subjects is watch this PBS documentary for Civil War:
Those who are in the Vietnam elective can choose to watch this PBS documentary. Write your name and the date in the box provided and you will receive credit for your work.