Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Homework: Talk to someone about this Milestone.

Monday night marked an important event in what many call "The War On Terror".  A US group of Navy Seal's infiltrated a home 90 miles north of the Pakistani Capital and after a fire fight killed Osama Bin Laden among 4 others.
What does this mean to you?
to the US?
the World?
I would like you to strike up a conversation with a parent or friend about this event then if you like, leave a comment below.  Click Here for the BBC's coverage.

1 comment:

  1. when I first heard the news I thought ok this is great, BUT what kind of retaliation is there going to be? As I was watching the news that night I was waiting for someone to mention that possibility. I was also talking to several people about it & when I mentioned a possible retaliation, nobody had thought if it. Again, I know that I know next to nothing on the subject, but given Al Qaeda's history, we should brace ourselves.
