Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Monthly Meeting

Attention Mentee students!
Great to have you back for the beginning of our spring semester here at the Web Academy! You should be enrolled in your Spring term classes as of today.  Make sure to get in contact with your new teachers with questions regarding new classes that you may have.  Some changes that you should be aware of are as follows:

  • Deadlines will be complimented in all of my classes after every 6 week interval.  So all work has to be completed up to that date to get credit.  Students who have not completed work will receive a "0" for those assignments.
  • Schedules and Syllabi will be located under a tab located on the left of each class page.  This will show up to date changes and students will be held accountable to check this document once a week (along with messages).
  • High School students will be required to submit 2 work samples per core class.  High School students will need to complete this samples to qualify for graduation.
  • Middle School Math classes now require keeping a notebook with all practice problems.  Please label your notes by section so I can recognize which chapters to give you credit.
  • If you are enrolled in a Credit Recovery Course this semester the content is available under the Course Information/Orientation then Table of Contents.  To get to the quizzes and exams you have to check the "Mark as Reviewed" box next to the Section.  You also get 5 attempts at completing all assignments and exams, but many of the exams need passwords (so contact your instructor when you are ready).
  • American History, Economics, and American Government Finals will continue to be held at the Web Academy and all work needs to be completed before you can set up an appointment to attempt the final.
I'm looking forward to our meeting. I am available for meetings after 9-4 Monday through Thursday. I can make off campus visits Wednesday 9am-4pm, though those fill up quickly. Please email me back ASAP so that I can put you on the calendar!Mr. Ellsberg

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