- Food Bank
- Home School
- Public Park
- Library
- Community Church
- Nursing Homes
- Fire or Police Department
- Come up with your own!
Read more after the jump.
Via Ms. Calhoun AKA: State Testing Champion Del Mundo,
State testing begins next week, January 18th, and will go through April. We will begin with the 7th grade writing test. By Oregon State law, these tests must be administered, and all students are required to take them. It is also important to note that all high school students MUST take these tests to graduate. Letters were sent home this week, indicating which tests each students needs to take, and the time and date that each test is scheduled for. Please mark these dates on your calendars. Students must be present for these tests as scheduled.
- Please click here for the 2011 State Testing Schedule, available on our website.
-The tests will be administered at the Gresham Barlow Web Academy in the main classroom.
-During testing times, the main classroom will be closed to drop in visits and meetings. However, our back classroom will be available, and students are welcome to come by as usual. Please note that the back classroom is not stocked with desktop computers. If students wish to work on site, they will need to bring in a laptop.
Please contact the school with questions: 503-258-4790.