Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Could you be swayed?

Often times as a young educator, you bump up against controversial issues. This is especially true as a Social Studies teacher when most of the excitement lies in these debated topics. I am hyper aware of topics such as abortion, evolution, immigration, climate change, minority rights etc. when they pop up in class. It is a tricky proposition to approach such topics as a non-bias observer or devils advocate. I often ask myself, “Is what I am saying swaying students to my own beliefs?”. Over the weekend I overheard an interesting experiment conducted by the show This American Life on OPB. The topic was climate change and the subject a 16 year old high school student who was approached at Glen Beck's Restoring Honor Rally in Washington D.C. Fast forward here to the 24th minute to listen to the podcast. What are your thoughts? Could you be swayed from your beliefs? Where do they come from? Why do you believe what you believe? Comment below!

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